Advanced Auditing Professional Ethics Abhishek Bansal
Advanced Auditing Professional Ethics Abhishek Bansal
I have observed that the students have been facing difficulties in not only understanding the concepts of audit but also applying the same in an examination oriented manner. Thus , it gives me an immense pleasure in introducing my 4th Edition on this subject for CA students. I would like to mention you that due professional care have been taken to ensure that contents are accurate. However, in case of any comments or suggestions
- Accounts of company
- Audit and Auditors
- Dividend
- Audit of public sector undertaking
- CARO 2016
- Cost Audit
- Stock Exchanges
- Corporate Governance & LODR
- Audit of mutual funds
- Sarbanes Oxley Act, 2002
- Management and operational Audit
- Environment and Energy Audit
- Audit under computerized information system (CIS)
- General insurance companies
- Liability of Auditors
- Co-Operative Societies
- Reporting of frauds u/s 143 (12)
- Peer revive
- Audit of consolidated financial statements
- Investigation & due diligence
- Audit of fiscal laws (Tax Audit)
- Bank Audit
- Risk Assessment and internal controls
- IFC- Internal financial controls over financial reporting
- Standards on auditing (SA,s) (Including SRE,SAEs,SRSs,SQCs,)
- Professional Ethics (Code of Ethics)
About the Author:
CA Abhishek Bansal is a Young, Dynamic and Energetic faculty with teaching experience of more than 5 years at various places like Mumbai, Nagpur, Jodhpur, and Nasik. Graduated from HR College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai his strength lies in Flow Chart Pattern (better known as Drawing Skills in class) of teaching and easy way of communication.
By Profession, he is also a Company Secretary and a practicing chartered accountant. He is also the visiting faculty of WIRC – ICAI. Indicative of his track record in the past and his experience with the students, he showcases this subject so strongly in the class that students understand, learn and memorize the subject in the class itself. Being a vivacious reader and having a beautiful mind is what differentiates him from the rest.
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