Video Lecture CA-Final Direct Taxation International Taxation
Video Lecture CA-Final Direct Taxation International Taxation
- Applicable to May/Nov’ 18 Exams.
- Amended by finance act 17
- Specially recorded in High Definition in a Hi-tech Studio having best video and sound clarity.
- Use of most lucid language .
- Numerous practical problems.
- Most student friendly approach
- Discussion of all the complications and interpretations.
- In-depth understanding of the topics
1. Basics
Lecture 1 01_for_May_18
Lecture 2 02_for_May_18
Lecture 3 03_for_May_18
Lecture 4 04_for_May_18
Lecture 5 05_for_may_18
Lecture 6 06_for_May_18
Lecture 7 07_for_May_18
Lecture 8 08_for_May_18
Lecture 9 09_for_May_18
Lecture 10 10_for_May_18
Lecture 1111_for_May_18
Lecture 12 12_for_May_18
Lecture 1313_for_May_18
Lecture 14 14_for_May_18
Lecture 15 15_for_May_18
Lecture 16 16_for_May_18
2. Residential Status
Lecture 1 01_Residential_Status_part_1
Lecture 2 02_Residential_Status_part_2
3. Incidence of Tax
Lecture 1 01_Incidence_of_Tax_part_1
Lecture 2 02_Incidence_of_Tax_part_2
Lecture 3 03_Incidence_of_Tax_part_3
Lecture 4 04_Incidence_of_tax_Problems
4. Incomes Exempt from Tax
Lecture 1 01_Sec_10(1)_Agriculture_Income
Lecture 2 02_Segregation_of_Composite_income
Lecture 3 03_Sec_10(2)_to_10(10D)
Lecture 4 04_Se4c_10(11)_to_10(26AAA)
Lecture 5 05_Sec_10(26AAB)_to_10(50)
Lecture 6 06_Sec_10AA
Lecture 7 07_Sec_11_part_1
Lecture 8 08_Sec_11_part_2
Lecture 9 09_Sec_11_part_3_to_end
5. Income under the head Salary
Lecture 1 01_Introduction
Lecture 2 02_Basis_of_Charge
Lecture 3 03_Definitions
Lecture 4 04_House_Rent_Allowance
Lecture 5 05_Other_Allowances
Lecture 6 06_Definition_od_Perquisite
Lecture 7 07_Valuation_of_Accommodation_theory
Lecture 8 08_Valuation_of_Accomodation_Problems
Lecture 9 09_Motor_car_perquisite
Lecture 1010_Other_Perquisites_part_1
Lecture 1111_Other_Perquisites_part_2
Lecture 1212_Pension
Lecture 1313_Gratuity
Lecture 1414_Leave_Salary,_Retrenchment_and_VRS_compensation
Lecture 1515_Provident_Fund_and_Deductions
Lecture 1616_Problems
6. Income under the head House Property
Lecture 1 01_Introduction_Part_1
Lecture 2 02_Introduction_Part_2
Lecture 3 03_Gross_Annual_Value
Lecture 4 04_Deductions
Lecture 5 05_Miscellaneous
Lecture 6 06_Problems
Lecture 1 01_Sec_28_for_May_18
Lecture 2 02_Sec_30_and_31
Lecture 3 03_Sec_32_Part_1_for_May_18
Lecture 4 04_Sec_32_Part_2_for_May_18
Lecture 5 05_Sec_32_part_3
Lecture 6 06_Sec_32_Part_4_for_May_18
Lecture 7 07_Sec_32_part_5_for_May_18
Lecture 8 08_Sec_32AD_for_May_18
Lecture 9 09_Sec_33AB_and_33ABA
Lecture 10 10_Sec_35_for_May_18
Lecture 11 11_Sec_35ABA_and_35_ABB
Lecture 12 12_Sec_35AD_for_May_18
Lecture 13 13_Sec_35CCC_and_35CCD
Lecture 14 14_Sec_35D,_35DD_and_35DDA_etc
Lecture 15 15_Sec_35E
Lecture 16 16_Sec_36_part_1_for_May_18
Lecture 17 17_Sec_36_part_2_for_May_18
Lecture 18 18_Sec_37(1)
Lecture 19 19_Sec_40(a)_part_1_for_May_18
Lecture 20 20_Sec_40(a)_part_2_for_may_17
Lecture 21 21_Sec_40(b)_and_(ba)
Lecture 22 22_Sec_40A(2)_for_May_18
Lecture 23 23_Sec_40A(3),_(7)_and_(9)
Lecture 24 24_Sec_43B_for_May_18
Lecture 25 25_Sec_41_for_May_18
Lecture 26 26_Sec_43A_for_May_18
Lecture 27 27_Sec_43C
Lecture 28 28_Sec_43CA_for_May_18
Lecture 29 29_Sec_43D_and_44A
Lecture 30 30_Sec_44AA_and_44AB_for_may_18
Lecture 31 31_Sec_44AD,_44ADA_and_44AE_for_May_18
Lecture 32 32_Sec_44B_to_44BBB
Lecture 33 33_Sec_44C_and_44DA
Lecture 34 34_Rule_8D
Lecture 35 35_ICDS_1_and_2
Lecture 36 36_ICDS_3_and_4
Lecture 37 37_ICDS_5,_6_and_7
Lecture 38 38_ICDS_8,_9_and_10
8. Capital Gains
Lecture 1 01. Sec 45(1) and 2(14)
Lecture 2 02. Sec 2(47)
Lecture 3 03. Sec 48 50C 50CA and 50D
Lecture 4 04. Sec 55
Lecture 5 05. Sec 45(1A) to 45(4)
Lecture 6 06. Sec 45(5)
Lecture 7 07. Sec 45(5A) and 45(2A)
Lecture 8 08. Sec 46A etc
Lecture 9 09. Sec 50B and 51
Lecture 1010. Sec 48 1st and 4th proviso etc
Lecture 1111. Sec 46
Lecture 1212. Sec 47 Part 1
Lecture 1313. Sec 47 part 2
Lecture 1414. Sec 47 part 3
Lecture 1515. Sec 94(7) and (8)
Lecture 1616. Sec 54
Lecture 1717. Sec 54B to 54EC
Lecture 1818. Sec 54EE and 54F
Lecture 1919. Sec 54G to 55A
9. Income from Othert Sources
Lecture 1 01. Sec 56 part 1
Lecture 2 02. Sec 56 part 2
Lecture 3 03. Sec 56 part 3
Lecture 4 04. Sec 57, 58 and 59
10. Clubbing of Income
Lecture 1 01. Sec 60 and 61
Lecture 2 02. Sec 64(1) and 64(1A)
Lecture 3 03. Sec 64(2) and 65
Lecture 4 04. Problems
11. Set off and carry forward of losses
Lecture 1 01. Undisclosed Incomes sec 68 to 69D
Lecture 2 02. Sec 70 and 71
Lecture 3 03. Sec 72 to 74A
Lecture 4 04. Sec 78, 79 and 80
Lecture 5 05. Problems
12. Chapter VI-A Deductions
Lecture 1 01. Sec 80A to 80AC
Lecture 2 02. Sec 80C
Lecture 3 03. Sec 80CCC to 80CCE
Lecture 4 04. Sec 80CCG to 80DDB
Lecture 5 05. Sec 80E to 80 GGC
Lecture 6 06. Sec 80IA and 80IAB
Lecture 7 07. Sec 80IAC to 80IE
Lecture 8 08. Sec 80JJA to 80LA
Lecture 9 09. Sec 80QQB to 80TTA
Lecture 1010. Problems
13. Rebate and Relief of tax – Rebate and Relief of Tax
14. Special Rates of tax – Special Rates of Tax
15. Assessment of Companies
Lecture 1 01. Sec 115JB part 1
Lecture 2 02. Sec 115JB part 2
Lecture 3 03. Sec 115JAA etc
Lecture 4 04. Tax on Distribution of Income
Lecture 5 05. Business Trusts
Lecture 6 06. Alternate Investment Funds
Lecture 7 07. Securitisation Trusts
Lecture 8 08. Tax on Accretion to Assets of Trusts
16. Assessment of Firms and AMT
Lecture 1 Assessment of Firms and AMT
17. Assessment of Trusts
Lecture 1 Assessment of Trusts and Representative Assessees
18. Assessment of AOP
Lecture 1 01. Sec 167B etc
Lecture 2 02. Problems
19. Assessment of LR, HUF and Cooperative Societies
01. Assessment of LR, Executor and Succession in Business
02. Assessment of Co-Operative Society
03. Assessment in same PY
20. Assessment Procedure
Lecture 1 01. Sec 139
Lecture 2 02. Sec 139A to 140A
Lecture 3 03. Sec 142
Lecture 4 04. Sec 142A
Lecture 5 05. Sec 143
Lecture 6 06. Sec 144 to 145A
Lecture 7 07. Sec 147 to 152
Lecture 8 08. Case Laws and Problems on Sec 147
Lecture 9 09. Sec 153
Lecture 10 10. Sec 150, 153, 158A and 158AA
Lecture 11 11. Sec 153A to 153D
Lecture 12 12. Sec 154 to end
21. Appeals and Revision
Lecture 1 01. Appeals and revision part 1
Lecture 2 02. Appeals and Revision Part 2
22. Settlement Commision and Adv Ruling
Lecture 1 01. Settlement Commission
Lecture 2 02. Advance Ruling
23. TDS and TCS
Lecture 1 01. Sec 192 and 192A
Lecture 2 02. Sec 193 to 194C
Lecture 3 03. Sec 194D to 200
Lecture 4 04. Sec 200A to end
Lecture 5 05. TCS
24. Advance tax and Interest
Lecture 1 01. Advance Tax
Lecture 2 02. Interest 234A to 234F
sLecture 1 Refund and Interest
26. Penalties and prosecution
Lecture 1 01. Penalty part 1
Lecture 2 02. Penalty part 2
27. Authorities Search and Survey
Lecture 1 Authorities Search and Seizure
28. Tonnage Tax
Lecture 1 Tonnage Tax Scheme
29. Miscellaneous
Lecture 1 Miscellaneous
*International Tax Index will be uploaded soon
CA Farooq Haque
Teaching is an art and it came very naturally to him. He started teaching his classmates while pursuing charted accountancy course. He established Farooq Haque Classes, in the year 1998, with the sole purpose of revolutionizing the way CA,CS and CMA course is taught. Since then he has taught more than 32,500 + students and the most complicated subjects of Direct Taxes, Indirect taxes and Business and corporate laws. Moreover, he has guided many students in preparing papers for conferences, elocutions and quiz competitions. In last 17 years his students have not only excelled in their examinations (Highest being 1st All India Rank in CA-Final), but also in their professional lives. Large numbers of his students are placed in top managerial positions in Indian and Multinational companies across the globe.
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