Professional Approach Advanced Auditing Kamal Garg May 2018
Professional Approach Advanced Auditing Kamal Garg May 2018
I am pleased to present before the students of C.A. (Final) course the twenty-fourth edition of the book on Professional Approach to Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics’ for May 2018 [Old and New Syllabus] CA Final Examination of ICAl
The present book is equipped with the following features
- Presentation of Chapter on Code of Ethics in a student friendly manner with comprehensive coverage of the Chartered Accountants (Amendment) Act, 2006’and 2011. ICAI Guidelines on advertisement, tenders and Notifications for partnership & fee sharing with other specified professions have been duly incorporated;
- Other amendments in relation to NBFC, Clause 49 & Clause 41 of Listing Agreement in light of SEBl (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 20]5 and changes made pursuant to the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015, IEPF Provisions and MCA’s Exemption Notifications have been comprehensively dealt with at relevant places in the book
- Amendments brought in pursuance to the recent announcements by the Ethical Standards Board of ICA] and notification of Finance Act, 2017 relevant for May 2018 Examination, have been duly incorporated in the Book
- Important chapters such as Code of Ethics, CARO, 2016, Due Diligence, Forensic Audit are also summarized in the form of Flow Charts
- Guidance Note (Revised) on Tax Audit is also given in a lucid manner
- Guidance Notes on Auditing Aspects (including revised Guidance Note on Audit of CFS and new Guidance Note on Special Purpose Certificates and Reports as applicable for May 2018 Examination
- Principles of Implementation Guide issued by ICAI w.r.t. auditors’ duties for reporting on Demonetisation;
- Last seventeen C.A. (Final) examination question papers (including November, 2017) have been given with suggested hints
About The Book
- The book covers the entire new & old syllabus of CA Final, Group I, Paper 3.
- An attempt has been made to explain the subject in an easy-to-grasp style with an exam-oriented focus, giving only what is essential for the purpos
- Each chapter, at the end, contents Specimen Questions that will enable the student to self-assess his understanding of the
- A hallmark of this book is the gist of Standards on Auditing (Earlier known as AAS) and the Guidance Notes issued by the Institute till date.
- It contains Solved Question Papers of CA Final of last 17 attempts including November, 2017.
- The book will be very useful for students pursuing CA Final studies
- Declaration of Dividend
- Interim Dividend
- Final Dividend
- Transfer of Unpaid Dividend to the Investor Education and Protection Fund
- Maintenance of Books of Accounts
- Directors’ Report
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Internal Audit
- Appointment and Change of the Auditors
- Cost Audit I
- Auditor’s Report
- Branch Audit
- The Company Audit and Audit of Limited Liability Partnerships
- Code of Ethics
- Liabilities of Auditors
- Tax Audit
- Cost Audit II
- Management and Operational Audit
- EDP Audit
- Audit of Public Sector Undertakings
- Investigations, Due Diligence and Forensic Audit
- Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2016 (CARO, 2016)
- Audit of Banks
- Audit of General Insurance Companies
- Audit of Non-Banking Financial Companies
- Audit of Co-operative Societies
- Audit of Indirect Taxes
- Audit of Depositories
- Audit of Mutual Funds
- Audit of Members of Stock Exchanges
- Audit of Non-Corporate Entities (Bank Borrowers) and Unit Inspections
- Other Aspects
- Standards on Auditing
- Guidance Notes on Auditing Aspects
- Standards on Quality Control And Assurance Engagements
- Standard on Quality Control (SQC) 1
- New Course (November, 2009 to November, 2017)
About the Author
He have diligence and immense ability to learn, relearn and unlearn. In spite being India’s best faculty and accepted in whole country they are still far away from arrogance.He have been playing multiple roles since the time they are teachers. He is a teachers, motivators, friends, counselors and inspiration for many aspirants. He gives students a classroom where they can share their doubts and can receive maximum learning. He make students to imbibe all the knowledge given in the class so that they can retain it in the future as well.
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