Before we start with this, let us understand the layout of the book.
All the individual chapters in the book have been structured into 4 parts –
You will come across –
This division has been made to help you to gain a grip on each and every concept. You should always start with the formulae, understand its origin wherever given and note the formula down in a notebook. Please note that a notebook should always accompany your text book.Understand all the concepts and then move on to solving the sums. Although the solutions of the solved examples have been given, it is expected from you all that you will solve all these at least once.
Hi Guys!! This is one of those books that I loved writing. At every stage I was thinking of you guys as my main motive was make SFM easy to understand and make it interesting for you guys. This book is written after a lot of efforts. This book contains all the concepts and fundas of SFM along will basic and advanced questions. This book has been prepared after intense research to include all the concepts and sums that have been asked from the exams point of view. I have tried to make this book as fun and as exciting as possible. SFM being a practical subject, it is very important to understand all the practical applications of the concepts we study.
1. Equity Analysis and Valuation
2. Mergers and Acquisition
3. Dividend Policy
4. Bond Valuations
5. Mutual Funds
6. Forex
7. Derivatives
8. Leasing
9. Capital Budgeting
10. Risk Return and Portfolio
11. Financial Services
Prof.Rahul Malkan is a proficient faculty of strategic financial management at CA Final level. He is an MBA in business finance. He has 13 years of experience in teaching industry and has authored 20 books in academics.
A good mentor for students and guides them to the path of success by assisting in other subjects as well.
He is known for his teaching which is full of practical examples. You can reach him at and can also follow him on facebook by his name RahulMalkan.
CA Rahul Malkan is one of the renowned faculty in the field of finance. CA Rahul Malkan has been in the field of teaching for a number of years. The faculty teaches for the subjects FR & AS,SFM,Financial, Treasury and Forex Management for exams CA Final,CA IPCC,CS Professional.
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