Conceptual Learning A Handbook on Indirect Tax Law GST & Customs for Old and New Syllabus Both By Yashvant Mangal
Conceptual Learning A Handbook on Indirect Tax Law GST & Customs for Old and New Syllabus Both By Yashvant Mangal
Indirect Tax Laws is consider to be a .theory subject. In my opinion, any taxation subject cannot be a theory subject. Taxation requires thorough understanding and practical knowledge It is with the great pride and pleasure t hat a I’m g to you the thoroughly revised and updated ‘fifteenth edition’ of my book ‘Conceptual Learning on Indirect Tax Law that has received overwhelming appreciation of our dear readers and has proved to be a key of success for Indirect Tax Laws paper, which is the ultimate aim of The book. This book is written as per the syllabus prescribed for CA Final, Paper _ 8, and ‘Indirect Tax Laws’. Indirect Tax Laws is one of the most dynamic and practical subjects of the Chartered Accountancy Course. This subject at the Final level ~s divided into two parts, namely, Part 1 : Goods and Service Tax (GST) for 75 marks and Part 2: Customs and Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) for 25 marks With the introduction of “Goods and Service Tax (GST)” in India with effect from 1-7-2017, the Government aims to unite India with the slogan of “One Nation, One Market, One Tax” by subsuming most of the Central Taxes (Excise duty. Service tax, CST, etc.) and State Taxes (VAT, Entertainment Tax, etc.) into a single tax named “GST”. This has given a smooth run to the “Input Tax Credit” chain system in the country. Understanding the interpretation of GST Laws conceptually and its practical implementation in the country is one of the most challenging task for the professionals, which is the most demanding opportunity for the upcoming Professionals in this era of GST
- Understand the interpretation of law with practicality
- understand all the concepts through soft language and various analytical notes
- cover all the topics of the subject in a very smart and easy manner
- cover 300+ solved analytical illustration~’ to apply the law in practical situations
- cover solved papers of last 16 CA Final Exams (Regarding Custom law ) as per current amendment Applicable laws
- Revise all the topics of the subject thoroughly before exams
Section A : Goods and Service tax
- GST in India An Introduction
- Levy of GST
- Time of Supply
- Value of Supply
- Input tax Credit (ITC)
- Composition Scheme
- Reverse Charge Mechanism
- IGST Act, 2017
- Exemptions Under GST
- Registration, TDS and TCS
- Rate of GST of Services
- Payment of Tax
- Tax Invoice, Credit and Debit Notes
- Returns Under GST
- Refunds Under GST
- Assessment
- Audit
- Accounts and Records
- Inspection, Search, Seizure and Arrest
- Demands and Recovery
- Liability to Pay in Creation Case
- Advance Ruling
- Appeals and Revision
- Offences and Penalties
- Miscellaneous
- Transitional Provisions
Section B: Custom Law
- Basic Concepts & Types of Customs Duties
- Importation & Exportation
- “Valuation of Goods
- Warehousing
- Duty Drawback
- Baggage, Postal Articles, Store‘s & Coastal Goods
- Search, Seizure, Confiscation and Miscellaneous Provisions
- Classification of Good
- Offences and Prosecution
- Exemptions, Recoveries Demands and Refund
- Appeals and Revision
- Advance Ruling and Settlement of case
Section C: Foreign Trade Policy
- Foreign Trade Policy – Basics, General Provisions for Imports Exports. Glossary & Definitions
- Exports From India Schemes, Duty Exemption / Remission Schemes, EPCG Scheme
- EOUs, EHTPs, STPs, BTPs And Deemed Exports
About the Author
Author CA. Yashvant Mangal (B.Com, ACA, CS) is a Practicing Chartered Accountant who carries his practice exclusively in the field of INDIRECT TAX LAWS. He is a high quality orator and is enormously passionate about the subject and has a strong urge to bestow his expertise to his students.He is Visiting faculty of ICAI, Mumbai and has taken many seminars and lectures on Indirect Tax Laws for Students and Professionals in various cities of the country. He has experience of around 7 years of teaching Indirect Taxation for CA, CS & CMA Finals & IPCC students (More than 10,000 students already benefited from his coaching).
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