Financial Reporting IND Accounting Standards CA Parveen Sharma
Financial Reporting IND Accounting Standards CA Parveen Sharma
Financial Reporting both in India and from the examination point of view has undergone a massive change. Keeping in view the changes made by MCA as per Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules 2016; Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016; AS 10 has been revised in lines of Ind AS 16 on Property, Plant and Equipment and the latest trend in the exams this thoroughly revised and enlarged edition of Financial Reporting is being presented for students aspiring for CA Final level. We are confident that this book will serve the students with necessary number and variety of questions essential for their successful preparation of their subject of Financial Reporting. The difficulties. which students are likely to encounter in the Exams have been presented and discussed. This edition specifically incorporates Ind AS (including differences between AS and Ind AS and carve-ins and carve-outs w.r.t. IFRS), as the same has been incorporated from examination point of view. We have also included practical questions on Ind AS for each Ind AS. Certain Guidance Notes have also been included at relevant places in the book. We felt that there is a need to address these complicated standards in a lucid manner. An attempt has been made to make these standards easily understandable by examples, diagrams, charts and explanations. Examples have been introduced which will help an average student to master the subject without assistance. The book has been written in a classroom style teaching, so that one is able to easily understand the concept. The questions in each topic have been carefully arranged to suit beginners as well as experts. We hope students will find this book simple and updated.
Volume 1:
- Amalgamation Of Companies
- Corporate Restructuring And Internal Reconstruction
- Holding Company Accounts
- Value Added Statement
- Economic Value Added
- Valuation Of Goodwill
- Valuation Of Shares
- Valuation Of Business
- Brand Valuation
- Share Based Payments
- Human Resource Accounting
- Buy Back
- Mutual Fund
- Non Banking Finance Company
- Schedule Iii
- Miscellaneous
- Accounting For Financial Instruments
- Appendix
Volume 2:
- Amendments To As By Mca
- Roadmap To Ind As
- As 1 Disclosure Of Accounting Policies
- As 2 Valuation Of Inventories
- As 3 Cash Flow Statement
- As 4 Contingencies And Events Occuring After The Balance Sheet Date
- As 5 Net Profit Or Loss For The Period, Prior Period Itmes And Changes In
- Accounting Policies
- As 7 Construction Contracts
- As 9revenue Recognition
- As 10 Property Plant And Equipment
- As 11 The Effects Of Changes In Foreign Exchange Rates
- As 12 Accounting For Government Grants
- As 13 Accounting For Investment
- As 15 Employee Benefits
- As 16 Borrowing Costs
- As17 Segment Reportinng
- As 18 Related Party Disclosures
- As 19 Leases
- As 20 Earnings Per Share
- As 22 Accounting For Taxes On Income
- As 24 Discounting Operations
- As 25 Interim Financial Reporting
- As 26 Intangible Assets
- As 28 Impairment Of Assets
- As 29 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities And Contingent Assets
- Ind As 27 Separate Financial Statements
- Ind As 29 Financial Reporting In Hyperinflationary Economics
- Ind As 41 Agriculture
- Ind As101 First Time Adoption Of Ind As
- Ind As 104 Insurance Contracts
- Ind As 106 Exploration For And Evaluation Of Mineral Resources
- Ind As 114 Regulatory Deferral Accounts
About The Author
CA Parveen Sharma is a first class commerce graduate from Delhi having done his graduation from Sri Venkateswara College. He qualified Accountancy Course in 1996 and was placed in merit list (Rank Intermediate and Finals both. He completed his^ post graduation Accounting Standards and US GAAP in July 2007, He qualified certificate valuation from ICAl in January 2010. He is also an Associate Member of Institute of Cost and Works Accountants and Licentiate of Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He topped Delhi University by scoring 100% marks in Accountancy. He also won Gold Medalr’lll1 Accounts Olympiad held in 1990. He has the honour of being co-opted as a member to Board of Studies (2006-2007), Advisor, Accounting Standards Committee (2007-08) Member of Committee far Accounting Standards for Local Bodies for the year 2007-2008, and Regional Monitoring Committee (2003-04) of Institute of Chartered Accounts of India and Member, Committee on Management Accounting of ICAl for the year 2008-09.
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