VG learning Direct Tax Summary Module Vinod Gupta
VG learning Direct Tax Summary Module Vinod Gupta
I am pleased to share this Edition of Direct Tax Summary Module which is relevant for November, 2018 Exams of CA Final (Both old and new Course) This is, in fact, not really a Summary Module but a “Revision cum Summary Module”. ] started giving summary book to the students to help them revising in last days before examination. However, ] noticed over a period of time that students feel that Summary Module is enough to study for ·CA-Final exams since it covers summary of almost every topic asked in CA Final Exam. There is no Shortcut to Success I really feel bad about the students who look for shortcuts to achieve success in CA Final Exams. I am not sure why students forget that the level of knowledge which is expected from them is Expert Knowledge. No shortcut can give you expert knowledge. ] request you all not to rely on shortcuts in entirety Let me share my experience with you regarding the use of main modules and the summary module. I have seen that students who rely only on Summary Module to clear their exams, do not score too high. But those who referred Summary Module in conjunction with Main set of Modules scored good marks. Even the rank holders of last few years shared the same feedback. My purpose of creating the Summary of all chapters is to enable students to revise the whole course, which they already studied in depth, in short duration. 1 am reiterating again that the Summary Module cannot be a substitute of Main set of Modules
For the first time, I am publishing it in coloured format. The colour coding given in this book is as under:
• Amendments by Finance Act, 2017 are given in green colour.
• Very important keywords and concepts are given in Pink colour.
• Important concepts in Blue colour.
I believe that you should practice the questions after gaining knowledge of concepts for each chapter. Summary Module can be best used along with our Question Book wherein past examination question of last 27 years are incorporated
About The Author
CA Vinod Gupta : Vinod Gupta qualified CA with rank in C.A. Intermediate and C.A. Final examination in 1986. He has been awarded for the best paper on Taxation in C.A. Final Examination. He has authored around 150 articles on taxation in various journals and newspapers including Taxman, Current Tax Reporter, Chartered Accountant, Economic Times and Financial Express. He is currently teaching CA Final students in all over India a. He is having vast experience of teaching Direct tax, faculty at New Delhi for last 25 years.
He is the ultimate option for all CA students when it comes to take coaching of DT subject. He is one of the most respectable faculties all across India as well as in Nepal. He shares his 25 years of experience with the students in the class which is truly helpful for them and it also makes the teaching methodology unique and acceptable. He has been a guide to all his students and treats them as gems. There is thousands of CA who have taken coaching from including several rank holders. He have diligence and immense ability to learn, relearn and unlearn. Inspite being India’s best faculty and accepted in whole country they are still far away from arrogance. He have been playing multiple roles since the time they are teachers. They are teachers, motivators, friends, counselors and inspiration for many aspirants. They give students a classroom where they can share their doubts and can receive maximum learning. They make students to imbibe all the knowledge given in the class so that they can retain it in the future as well.
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